
Esther Salamon

Esther Salamon

It was with great sad­ness that we learned of the death of Esther Sala­m­on at the begin­ning of Decem­ber 2023. Esther’s cre­ativ­i­ty, ener­gy and pas­sion for social jus­tice led her to bring peo­ple togeth­er to explore the con­cept of Inde­pen­dent Cre­ative Living. 

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News update 2023

ICL took two steps for­ward in 2020 towards real­is­ing its ambi­tion to cre­ate new des­ig­nat­ed hous­ing for old­er cre­ative peo­ple in the cre­ative­ly vibrant areas along the Tyne such as Hex­ham, New­cas­tle, Gateshead and the Coast.

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Sharing knowledge on older arts issues

Artist Francis Bailey at VOLTage, glór, Ennis, Co.Clare, part of Bealtaine Festival 2016. Photo: Eamon Ward

The ideas behind Inde­pen­dent Cre­ative Liv­ing were pre­sent­ed at the 2016 Beal­taine Fes­ti­val held in Dublin.

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Ageing without children

There is still an assump­tion that all old­er peo­ple in the UK have chil­dren or grand­chil­dren who will be able to help them in lat­er life.

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Cohousing especially for older women

OWCH move in

OWCH (Old­er Women’s Cohous­ing) is a group of women over fifty who, as an alter­na­tive to liv­ing alone have cre­at­ed their own com­mu­ni­ty in a new, pur­pose-built block of flats in High Bar­net, London.

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Thinking about it....

Photo by Jason Thompson

Launch sym­po­sium to explore the poten­tial for inde­pen­dent cre­ative liv­ing in North East England.

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