Research and policy

Links to select­ed doc­u­ments on the rela­tion­ship between age­ing, hous­ing, cre­ativ­i­ty and the arts.

 Active Ageing: A Policy Framework, World Health Organization, 2002 

 Age of Creativity 

 Ageing in public: Creative practice in ageing and the public realm from across the UK, Cubitt Arts Public Wisdom Project 

 Cohousing: It makes sense for people with things in common to live together, The Guardian 2015

 Future of an Ageing Population, Government Office for Science, 2016 

 Community 2.0: Is Cohousing the future of urban design? Towergate Insurance

 Growing Old Together: The Case for Housing that is Shaped and Controlled by Older People, 2013, Housing LIN

 Housing our ageing population: Positive ideas HAPPI 3, 2016 

 It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again, Julia Cameron via 

 Kobayashi, L. C., Wardle, J. & von Wagner, C (2015). Internet use, social engagement and health literacy decline during ageing in a longitudinal cohort of older English adults, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, Vol 69, Iss 3, pp 278-283

 Lastingness: The Art of Old Age, Nicholas Delbanco, Hachette Group, 2011

 NESTA: Ageing and innovation

 NESTA: Five a day 

 On late style, Edward Said, 2006

 Physical access and social isolation emerge as key factors linked to decline in arts engagement among older people. ArtsProfessional

 Policies and Programs of Support for Senior Artists, Joyce Zemans, York University, Canada, IFACCA 2007 (covers 14 countries) 

 Senior cohousing communities – an alternative approach for the UK? Maria Brenton, Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2013 

 Silver Cities: Realising the Potential of our Growing  Older Population, Ed Cox et al, IPPR North, Dec 2014 

 Tackling Loneliness in Older Age – The Role of the Arts, David Cutler, Baring Foundation, October 2012

 The Creativity and Aging Study: The Impact of Professionally Conducted Cultural Programs on Older Adults, Dr Gene D. Cohen, National Endowment for the Arts and George Washington University, USA April 2006

 The Wise Body: conversations with experienced dancers, Jackie Lansley, Intellect Books, 2011 

 With a little help from our friends: Creating Community as We Grow Older, Beth Baker, 2014

 Ageing Creatively, University of Newcastle 

 Winter Fires, Francois Matarasso, Baring Foundation 2012 

 The Long Life, Helen Small, OUP, 2007

 An Evidence Review of the Impact of Participatory Arts on Older People, Mental Health Foundation, 2011

 Adults' media use and attitudes report, Ofcom, 2017

 Ageing in squalor and distress: older people in the private rented sector, Age Concern, 2016

 Multi housing, Frank Knight, 2017

 The Architecture of Care: A New Approach, William McMorran, Winston Churchil Memorial Trust, 2016

 The Architecture of Care: A New Approach, William McMorran 2017. Study of the transformative integration of dementia care and the care environment in Australia, Canada and The Netherlands.

 Age UK’s Index of Wellbeing in Later Life 2017, Study of older people’s wellbeing across the whole population and measuring the contributing factors.

 APPG Enquiry on Creative Health: Arts, Health & Wellbeing, 2017 

 Older and wiser:creative ageing in the UK 2010-2019, Baring Foundation, 2019